
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Web 2.0 Resources

Links to my Web 2.0 Resources:

Reduce, reuse, recycle!  My unit is titled, Caring for Our Earth.  In this unit, I focused first on teaching my first graders about natural resources.  I then taught my students that our natural resources can be protected by practicing the three R's (reduce, reuse, recycle).  Our school participated by setting up recycling bins in the hallway.  My students love to bring items from home and when they unpack in the morning, they put the items in the appropriate bins.  We also had a very special guest a few weeks ago, Auntie Litter!  Our students loved learning from her and they learned so much about how they can help protect our Earth.  For my technology projects, I made a Glogster poster, an Animoto video, a mind map using, and two Vokis. 

Glogster:  I enjoyed making this Glogster poster.  The graphics are cool and hip!  I can see why students enjoy working with this tool.  My teenage son walked in the room while I was making it and he said that they make them at school and that he really enjoyed the process.  He actually taught me a thing or two that really helped me.  Through my poster, my students can watch a video about the 3 R's, they can follow two links to other websites where they can receive information about the 3 R's, and they can read some simple information pertaining to the 3 R's.  Follow this link to view my Glogster: Glogster Poster - Caring for Our Earth.

Animoto:  This is a cool tool to use with students.  It's quick and easy to do.  The end result is rewarding to watch.  For my Animoto video, I walked around the school and took some pictures that pertained to my unit with my iPad.  I also got a few of the pictures from a copyright free website.  With this technology tool, my students can be reminded of the 3 R's.  Follow this link in order to view my video:  Animoto Video - Caring for Our Earth.

Voki:  I love how easy Voki is to manipulate!  I had a lot of fun making two characters.  I made a smiley face and a female that resembles me.  For this technology tool, the students can learn important information through watching fun characters.  I played them for my students and they loved watching them.  Out of all of the technology tools that I experimented with for this project, this is my favorite for my first graders.  The program is easy enough for them to use.  Follow these two links in order to view my Vokis:  Voki 1 and Voki 2.

Mind Map (

Google Reader Reference:  I have really enjoyed following educational blogs this semester.  This was my first opportunity reading blogs and I have really learned a lot of practical things that I have already incorporated into my classroom.  Education is a tough profession at times with its many demands.  It is beneficial to learn from others who are going through similar situations.  Follow this link in order to read about my Google Reader Experience: My Blogging Experience.


  1. Reduce, reuse, recycle I love it!! I will use this unit next year with my 2nd graders. I wanted to use Voki but did not have the time. I do plan on trying it out in the near future.

  2. Haha, I love that your son was able to work with you on your Glogster. Man, maybe I should have checked out Voki. All of ya'll's artifacts are turning out so great. That blog is great because everything was FREE! And as teachers, free is always good.

  3. Wonderful Unit!! I love teaching that part of Science. The kids really enjoy learning how to care for our earth by reducing, reusing, recycling. We have a recycling bin in our classroom to actively take part in the recycling process. I really enjoyed the voki also. I was really disappointed with glogster because I spent a very long time trying to get it completed and didn't complete it. I did enjoy the Animoto. I will include the two of them into my lessons from now own because they are very helpful for students who may be visual and audio learners. Great Lesson!!!
